Analytic tools

This page lists tools for analysis of music from the Tasso in Music project. Some tools link to the work pages with analysis results highlighted in the music notation, while other tools are tables of extracted information (occasionally with links to the raw data in spreadsheets for further use in analysis).


Music searching Pitch, interval and rhythm searching in scores.
Lyrics searching Text-underlay searching in scores.

Resources for music analysis

Vocal ranges Vocal ranges and pitch histograms for each voice.
Pitch densities Pitch-class counts in each work and pitchscapes plotting how they change over time.
Homorhythm Counts and display of homorhythm textures.

Resources for music & text analysis

Music-to-text ratios Comparison of the length of music in minims versus length of poems in syllables.
Melismas Counts and display of melismas.

Metadata analysis

Publication dates Histograms of musical-setting publication dates.
Dates by composer Histograms of musical-setting by publication date and composer.
Dates by publisher Histograms of musical-setting by publication date and publisher.